Sunday, May 22, 2011

Talk about Panic!

We dropped our passports in the FedEx box over a week ago headed for NY and the Democratic Republic of Congo for visas.  Then we anxiously began checking the tracking number to follow their travels but found nothing.  We contacted the local dispatcher and after several days they sent someone out to see if it had gotten hung up in the drop box.  Nothing was found.  FedEx finally contacted the delivery person in NY but no new insights.  We even called the DRC Embassy -- no luck.  By the time we had talked repeadedly to FedEx supervisors in Texas, Kansas, and NY, we were on a first name basis with half the FedEx employees!  Finally at last the Embassy said they did have a package delivered but couldn't read the label and didn't know what to do with it.  So it was just sitting on a desk.  With our urging they finally opened the package and -- viola!---the missing passports!  There were some tense moments in tracking them coming back as well but we now have them safely in our possession.  Whew!  That was a close one!!   You can punt or replace most everything else needed for travel but there's no substitute for the passport.

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