Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Double Header

Actually we submitted two proposals this week.  One to Tangible Love for school facilities and the other to World Hunger for the school food program.  When we visited the homes of the children in June we were alarmed to find that many of the children had no food at all somedays.  We're now serving one meal a week at the schools but hope to increase that to twice a week soon.  Every little bit helps ... and brings huge smiles to the children's faces!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Frantic week!

Another proposal deadline week!  Thanks to the midnight oil, we made it.  Let's just hope we are successful in getting additional assistance for the schools in Kasompe and Chipulukusu.  We're especially eager to get classrooms and desks and benches funded.  Many of the kids now sit on the floor during school.  As challenging as it is to learn, they are doing just that!  Many walk long distances to get to school everyday.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Steering Stick

We just received an email from Gershom saying Jubilee a local NGO, had brought them the following items:   Plates 69, Backets 4, Steering Stick 1, Knives 3, water Cups 60, Big Spoons 3, Pots 2, Dish washing 4, Blazer 2, Mealie Meal 2 bags 25 kg, and  Boom Soap 6.  I'm especially intrigued by the "backets" and "Steering Stick".  I think those might also be known as "buckets" and "stirring spoons" but that's only a guess.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day after

Polly said there was quite a buzz around Dalton Ranch today about the programs last night.  That's good news for HealthEd Connect!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Double-header success!

Jac and Polly admiring appetizers at Dalton Ranch
Both Durango fund-raising events at Dalton Ranch were a big success thanks to the hard work and dedication of our hosts, Polly and Don Mehlisch!   The kids program was full of the energy that only children bring.  We sang African songs, went on a Safari, dressed African style, made paper beads, and had cookies that cost 12 cents each which happens to be the amount a school lunch costs in our community schools in Africa.  The kids thought that was pretty interesting.

The adult reception wasn't quite as lively as the kids but every bit as enjoyable!  The questions about HealthEd Connect were insightful and engaging.  It was fun to share the stories of the Community Health Workers and the awesome progress being made in the community schools.  The appetizers were a special treat!  Alas the weather produced the black clouds and thunderstorms which had been predicted but the show went on...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ready to go...

All is in readiness for our first reception-type fundraising event tomorrow night.  Here's hoping the weather cooperates.  Severe thunderstorms and flash flooding are in the forecast.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dalton Ranch

The two-phase event (one for children and one for adults) is ready for the Dalton Ranch in Durango, CO next week.  Polly has been absolutely awesome making the arrangements!  Schedules are busy in August so we may have a small intimate group but it will be great to finally have our first 'new friends' gathering and get some experience.

Friday, August 13, 2010


We just found out that our good friend Catherine from Zambia will be coming to the U.S. to attend a church conference in September.  In addition she will be staying with us!  It will be great to spend some time with her -- she's one of the prime proponents of the OVC programs.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


The challenges of doing business around the world!  We are registered with the Nepalese government as Hope for the Himalaya.  Each year we have to submit paper work to reregister and each year they question our status wondering how we can possibly operate on such a small budget.  They just don't understand the power of volunteer Community Health Workers.  The letter for reregistration was written, printed on letterhead, signed, notarized, and sent in a pdf file.  It appears they did not think the signature was dark enough on the electronic file so we had to go through the process again and send it in the mail.  Let's hope it works this time!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

World Service Corps service

The final service for our returning World Service Corps volunteers was held today.  Such inspirational stories!  The 4 volunteers that worked with HealthEd Connect (Lauren and Colleen in Zambia and Brandon and Andrew in Cartagena) were absolutely awesome!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Durango Kids

HealthEd Connect will be featured at a gathering for the children of Dalton Ranch in Durango, CO on August 19.  It will be fun to share the stories of the African kids with children their age in the U.S.  We're also going to be making paper beads just as the kids in Africa do.