Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Absolutely love our new logo! Business cards and letterhead are at the printer and should be ready this week.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Zambia Winter Term

January site visit plans to Zambia are in full swing! The SIFE team of Graceland students meets again this week to make plans. We're getting down to the fun specifics of who does what when, cramming as many activities into the schedule as possible. Challenges: How do you teach 200 kids how to make paper beads all at one time? Especially with language translation challenges, no tables to work on, etc. Or how do you organize a Soccer team with 200 kids all wanting to play? Oh, the stories we will have when we return!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Grant milestone!

Today is the deadline for completion of the Kasompe and Chipulukusu grant proposal reviews by the Grant Review Committee of the Board. Next week the recommendation goes to the full board for approval. We're close to actually getting funds to the 300+ kids in the new community schools in Zambia. Yeah!