Friday, May 27, 2011

Sad News

Visit with Enala (left) and Enest in Chipulukusu
We received an email today saying that Enest, one of our new friends in Chipulukusu, passed away last week.  Enest was always dressed in a crisp clean shirt and the first to arrive at the Income Generating Classes held in January.  Recognizing his capability and passion, the community elected him to serve on the Bicycle IGA committee. One of the highlights of our January trip was being invited to visit Enest and his wife in their home.  They were obviously pleased to have us in their home and requested we take a picture of them (see above) before we left.  We did not realize until we hugged him goodbye at the end of the visit that his loose shirts hid the fact that he was incredibly thin.  The health workers were encouraging his wife to be tested for HIV and if found to be positive, to go to the clinic to receive medication which prevents transmission of HIV from mother to child during the birth process.  We're hoping against hope she followed their advice and obtained the needed medicine.

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