Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ringing Endorsement for HEC!

Our almost-eight-year-old granddaughter, Kali, was assigned the school project of writing an essay this week.  After interviewing me, this is what she wrote:

Together We Can Help Poor People
by Kali Kirkpatrick

My grandma and grandpa went to Africa and met boss Mirriam.  She is three years old and has HIV.  This is how my story starts.  Wait I forgot to tell you that boss Mirriam is not really a boss they just call her boss.  After my grandpa and grandma met boss Mirriam they started to raise money.  The money they got they used to build schools for orphans and provide food.  A school lunch cost twelve cents.  Wait,      they also train moms to be health workers in Africa.  My grandma and grandpa don't really do it themselves.  They have a whole company called Health Ed Connect and they all want every one to be happy, healthy and educated!  I learned that together we can help poor people.

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