Sunday, October 31, 2010

Peace Colloquy presentation

HealthEd Connect had a high profile weekend!  In addition to Greg Mortenson's introduction on Friday evening, we presented two workshops on Saturday afternoon.  We survived a major crisis five minutes before our first workshop was to begin.  When we tried to load the Powerpoint I'd spent hours developing, the pictures looked fine but the text was totally scrambled!  I had unknowingly used a font that was available on the computer used to develop the PP but not on the laptop used to run it.  Fortunately, Charles, a long-time friend from Wichita came to our rescue and patiently went through each slide and reset the font while we made the introductions.  We also had a booth with flyers and handouts.  Many thanks to Michelle and Marti (who came from Wisconsin for the Peace Colloquy) for helping distribute flyers and spread our story.  We proudly displayed our new HealthEd Connect shirts but had been requested by the conference organizers not to sell items during the weekend.  When we began dismantling the booth today, a gentleman came by and thrust $20 in our hand.  He said an enterprising Graceland student wanted one of our shirts so bad that he climbed up and took the one from the top of our display and asked him to give us the money.  We felt honored!  They really are cool shirts!  We'll have to post a picture of one.

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