Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Water mark

We were sobered during our visit to Biratnagar, Nepal in February to see the water level from the flood that devastated the area in 2017.  The villagers were eager to show us the water marks on their buildings AND to share once again their gratefulness for HealthEd Connect's immediate assistance with food, clothing, and critical necessities. Most of their belongings, including shoes and household goods, were made of inexpensive plastic and floated away in the flood.  The HealthEd Connect team (registered there as Helping Heart Nepal) immediately sprang into action and was incredible in identifying and providing the most crucial items.

Homes are now repaired with little evidence of the tragedy but the memories linger on.  Sangeeta, a nurse and our supervising soyamsebika in the area, said that in addition to the water itself, snakes and the stench from the animals that drowned were overwhelming.  Let's hope they don't ever have to go through this again!

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