Saturday, February 16, 2019

Namaste Nepal!

It was good to see old friends, cuddle their babies, and meet new health workers when we, Emily, Jac, and Sherri, arrived in Nepal.  Our leader, Pinkey (on the left), and her esteemed friend were among the first to greet us.  Twenty soyamsebika and one brave soyamsewak (man) gathered to share in lively discussions about Women's Empowerment, Domestic Violence, and Drug Prevention.  Dancing in their own lively, joyous, traditional way, they brought our 2nd day of training to a conclusion last night in Kathmandu. Our friends now begin their journeys home, some facing many hours on buses followed by long treks over rocky, steep, trails.  Armed with new knowledge and renewed commitment, they will undoubtedly lift the lives of countless people.

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