Saturday, April 14, 2018

Ethical Dilemma

African chief pondering the trade offs
Making the "right" decision is not always easy.  As HealthEd Connect prepares to replace the unsafe little community building in Malawi where the Sinkhani weigh babies, we've run into a major ethical dilemma.  The original intent was to build the new structure with hand-made mud bricks that the villagers themselves would make for their building.  The African chiefs involved in the project are excited and have enthusiastically pledged several thousand bricks from each of their areas.  Ecologically sound, right?  Use locally available mud averting the need to import cement and other non-friendly ecological materials.

The government is now saying, "Not so fast."  The mud bricks may be creating a bigger environmental problem than the purchased cement blocks.  The reason?  The bricks are stacked with a hollow center for a wood fire to "fire" the bricks.  So far, so good.  Unfortunately, it takes a LOT of firewood and, as a result, the country is rapidly becoming deforested and the government is rightfully concerned.

The trade off?  Use natural materials and fully involve the local community promoting ownership. Or purchase cement blocks in an attempt to save the forests but potentially create non-friendly ecological materials for the future.  Stay tuned for the ultimate decision.  It's still under discussion.

What's your advice and opinion?  We'd love to hear from you.

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