Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Michelle and Josh reporting from Nepal

We were privileged to spend a day in Biratnagar, Nepal with one of our delightful healthcare workers, Sangita Malla! This quietly charming lady is one of the cornerstones of her community, providing not only practical health care but psychological counseling and emotional support to 60 families in her village.  She works as a nurse at the local hospital and spends the remainder of her time as a Hope for Himalaya volunteer (HealthEd Connect's Nepal branch), providing compassionate care to her neighbors. Walking the dirt paths through the village, Sangita was lovingly greeted by each and every person we passed and we were welcomed with smiles and obvious excitement into 15 of the homes of Sangita's patients. Clearly, an important and beloved person to this village! Sangita proudly showed us the perfectly kept records of her treatment plan for each and every patient that she carries in a little plastic folder, along with her meager medical supplies. It is women like Sangita that are the foundation of HealthEd Connect's most successful programs!
Michelle Mahlik
Philosophy Department, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
BOD, HealthEd Connect (www.healthedconnect.org)

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