Monday, October 8, 2012

Umbrella Ladies

Zamtan Kafwa showing off new umbrellas
The Kafwa in Zamtan, Zambia faithfully provide critically needed services to their community.  They carry a formal "case-load" of home-bound patients, facilitate support groups for the orphans, intervene in caregiver situations where orphans are being neglected, support the school program, cook porridge for the school children and, in general, make their no-electricity-little-water-extremely-low-income community, the best it can possibly be.  When we asked them in June what they most needed to make their job easier, they said "umbrellas."  They told us when it rains, no one has raincoats or umbrellas so they get wet and chilled when they go about their activities.  Likewise, in the hot months, the sun can be brutal if there is far to go.  The Kafwa are putting their new 'luxury' umbrellas to immediate use.  Don't they look charming posing for the picture??  You might notice they lined up according to umbrella colors.

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