Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our new Headmaster at Kasompe

New Kasompe Head Master, Gideon, with Kindergarten children
We met the new Head Master hired for the Kasompe school yesterday.  We were impressed with his apparent sense of vision and passion.  Then we met with the school board and had a huge surprise.  One of the board members said,
 "We have a problem.  The new Head Master cannot read and write."
Me:  Trying to appear calm while inwardly panicking.  "Can't read or write?"
Them:  "Yes, that is a problem.  That's why he is teaching Nursery rather than 4th grade."
Long Pause while I recovered.  Then...
Me.  "What seems to be the problem?"
Them.  "He broke his glasses and cannot see."
Me:  Total sigh of relief!!  That's fixable.  So we decided to advance him his first pay check so he could get his eyes examined again and purchase new glasses.  Sooner rather than later hopefully.

Imagine a Head Master that can't read or write!

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