Friday, August 26, 2011

HIV misunderstandings

Enada with her late husband Enest
Enada, an energetic little mother we met last January in Zambia, is a loyal Kafwa health worker in Chipulukusu.  She along with her husband Enest, faithfully attended IGA bicycle and Child Support Specialist classes in January.  Enest was very frail at the time and we received word several months ago that he died from AIDS soon after our visit.   Enada was pregnant during our visit and our team was very concerned since we knew both she and her baby were at risk for HIV.  The other Kafwa had repeatedly urged Enada to be tested and treated for HIV before the baby was born.  The Dr. offered her meds before the baby's birth but she refused.  She was actually given meds twice (which would have prevented the mother-baby transmission of HIV during birth) but she hid the meds and did not take them.  Her parents kept telling her she was not sick.  They said, "You have 2 children already and they are healthy.  Why take meds?"  The other Kafwa continued to "work" on Enada and after the baby was born she finally consented to be tested and take ART meds.  Unfortunately, the baby was already HIV positive. 
Erroneous beliefs and barriers still keep people from protecting themselves against AIDS.  People like Enada and her baby pay a huge price for doing too little too late.  Zambian statistics, however, suggest that headway is being made and new incidents of HIV are decreasing.  We're making progress and have to keep working to protect other Enadas and their babies in the future!!

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