Monday, July 18, 2011

We're almost There!

Our group with 'friend'(the tall one in the back) at Jo-Burg airport
We look glorious after 3 days of travel and 2 nights on planes but we're happy to have arrived safely in South Africa.  We met Liza de Guzman within minutes of landing so the whole team (Liza, Jena Wight, Tara Shupe, Bryce Veazey, Jac and Sherri) is now together.  We travel on to Malawi in about an hour.  Everyone's doing great!  We walked over 10 miles in London (oh, yes, we did and verified it with our pedometer!) and had a great time.  It rained until about noon so we were damp but happy to enjoy London Tower, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, a 10 minute tour of the British Museum to see the Rosetta Stone, etc.  Actually being out and around all day helped us reset our biological clocks so we could get over jetlag faster.  Now we're eager to get on to Malawi to see the health workers and share in training together.

P.S. I'm just checking to see if you're paying attention. If you think this blog is out of sequence and a month late you are absolutely correct!!   I tried to send this from my phone for days and was never successful.   Better late than never?  At least you now know we were thinking about the folks back home from the beginning of our trip.

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