Thursday, March 24, 2011

Endless pounding or End of pounding?

Millions of women spend countless hours every day pounding grain in a wooden mortar in order to make the grain usable for family meals.  It's a fun exercise for about 60 seconds and then reality sets in.  I know, I tried it along with SIFE team member, Taylor Johnson (above)! A back breaking and time-consuming task for sure.  The Sinkhani health workers in Malawi are advocating for a maize (corn) mill in one of the rural areas where women could bring their grain to be ground for a modest fee.  Based on the success of other maize mills, the Sinkhani believe a mill can almost pay for itself in one year.  We are now exploring possibilities with them to see if this would be a feasible venture.  They are estimating the cost to build a small building and provide 2 grinders to be around $14,000 US.  If successful, a project like this would make the Sinkhani totally self-sufficient regarding expenses related to their health work as well as provide them with a little additional income.  And that doesn't even count the major benefit of of saving hours of grueling work for the local women.  This idea is definitely worth exploring.

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