Thursday, October 29, 2020

So Many Reasons to Smile!


We have a great big reason to SMILE today! We've received $1,538 from AmazonSmile to-date, which means your generosity has provided 10,253 lunches to orphans and vulnerable children for "free" at our schools! Thank you for including HealthEd Connect as a beneficiary as you shop! What a gift! 🥳🎁

Speaking of Gifts...If our mission to empower women and children through health and education inspires you, please consider asking your family and friends about donating to HealthEd Connect in lieu of physical items for the holidays this year. We would be honored to be a part of your annual gifting tradition!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Empowering Girls in Nepal

Pre-COVID, this group of girls in Biratnagar, Nepal, participated in education about menstruation, hygiene, and how to make sanitary pads. Volunteer community health workers, Yanso (right) and Sangeeta (left; also trained as a professional nurse) facilitated open and safe conversation about this topic and how to feel empowered and in control of their health and development.

In parts of Nepal, and other countries, women are forced to stay in outdoor sheds or huts during their menstruation. While many governments, including Nepal, have implemented legislation to ban the practice, the old tradition continues in many regions. This practice is not only punitive, but also dangerous, as there have been many reported cases of women who have died from snake bites or smoke inhalation while trying to keep warm outdoors.

Community health workers like Sangeeta and Yanso combat the stigma and empower women and girls with education and skills they need in development of healthy minds and bodies. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Child-sized Bar of Soap


This strong girl is clutching tightly to her family's bar of soap that is nearly her size! From the generosity of HealthEd Connect donors, funds were raised this spring to purchase soap for all of the communities where our health workers serve to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Ireen Matete, Kafwa volunteer leader for Kasompe, Zambia, recently shared this photo and an update on the soap they purchased for their community health clients, giving them one bar of soap per month to make it last. Thanks to the health workers, life-saving prevention education and resources have made it the hands of families and children. 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Celebrating Teachers

Our teachers are outstanding! Their passion for teaching and care for students shines bright. This year the pandemic has presented significant challenges for educators. And in Zambia, online learning was not an option. But with teamwork, and engagement of caregivers, teachers provided opportunities for vulnerable students to continue learning curriculum components at home. Now back at school, everyone is adapting to new practices and protocols to ensure good health and safety. It’s a big responsibility, but teachers have shown, as they have so often, great leadership and innovation. 

Today is World Teachers Day and we celebrate the amazing teachers at our three HealthEd Connect sister schools. We also recognize the critical importance of educators everywhere. Thank you for inspiring students and empowering children every day!