Sunday, December 30, 2012

Rebuilding one Hut at a time

The village is rebuilt!!  Little Shamba Huts emerged from all corners of the Woods Chapel congregation as children scampered up the aisle to add their huts to the village.  The huts were heavy with coins (plus some paper money) that the children donated after conducting Sarah's Scavenger Hunt.  The scavenger hunt directed the children to count items in their home, such as pairs of shoes, pencils, appliances, that were luxuries children in Africa did not have.   The children then put money in the Shamba Hut for every item they counted.  Little Emma counted her blankies and was troubled and concerned when her mommy told her many children in Africa did not have even one blankie.  She didn't want to send her blankie :-) but she did want to send money so they could have one.  The adults dropped envelopes filled with their donations for school lunches, school supplies and teachers' salaries, into the shoe-box school building.  To top things off, numerous cards of greeting were written to the kids in Africa.  Donations and cards will be safely packed and stowed away for departure on January 6.  The village is not only rebuilt, it is now filled with resources that will bring joy!  Pennies, nickles and dimes are still being counted....we'll have a grand total soon.

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